If it’s got to do with getting SUPER clear on

(& attracting) your ideal client avatar,



You’re an overachiever who’s overwhelmed.

You’re ready to fully step into your purpose and offer your gifts to the world but your content isn’t connecting, your emails go unopened and there’s nothing but crickets in your comments. You’re struggling to clearly identify the people who need what only you have to offer but you don’t know where to begin or how to find them.

 You have a lot riding on your vision and you want to get it right. There are people depending on you. I get it. You’re exactly the person I had in mind when I created this framework!

I’m Dawn, the Avatar Expert for Go-Getter Entrepreneurs.

My mission is to help women entrepreneurs empower themselves...

by creating businesses and brands that afford the experience of true freedom. Freedom to choose and create your path, your way. Whether that looks like building an empire to pass down to future generations, traveling the world with your family or funding causes and initiatives that shape your community for the better.  It’s all about Freedom, Sis. (It’s my #1 core value, btw!)

What I know for sure is that you are a powerful creator.

Once you learn to tap into that power, it is a life changing experience that has a ripple effect on your entire world. Everything will shift into alignment and come into focus all because you decided to take a stand for the woman you’ve always known deep down you could be.

Before you go, promise me something...

Do one thing today, no matter how small, that makes you come alive. That stretches you beyond what you thought was possible. Shakes things up even the tiniest little bit. I want you to leave a bit brighter than you were before we met.

That's my intention for you. Send me a note when you’re ready to begin.


